2008...the Beginning of My Content/
Inbound Marketing & SEO Journey...
Before I created Why Stuff Sucks™, even before I wrote my first best-selling book, I was an active blogger. I kept busy writing on a wide variety of topics, some business related, some just for fun, because I wanted to test the waters of the blogosphere. It was my way of throwing it all at the wall to see what would stick.
After writing and analyzing what worked and what… worked less well, I narrowed my focus and my style until I was able to actually predict the blogs that would be successful in Google Search (SEO). It took years of trial and error, and a whole bunch of educating myself, but I managed to get a solid grasp of the content/inbound marketing creation and promotion world.
Do I know it all?
No, nobody does…because the paradigms change so rapidly, but I always stay on top of the latest trends. I’d like to share with you a collection of some of my favorite blogs, and some examples that will show you some of my personality.
Jump in and get to know me better.