43 Weird Books to Shock & Delight: Some Odd Books, Some Funny

We’ve all seen a weird book or two, haven’t we? Why pick the ordinary if there’s a lot of bizarrely rad books on the shelves? You’ll surely won’t expect what you’ll see on this list, from the book that will teach you how to “date for under a dollar” to the one that will prove that what others may perceive as a “fail” can also turn into “fun.”   Whether you’re looking for a book to seek new found truths to point your career or life in a new direction or just love odd stuff, these 43 weird books will surely give you not just life hacks but hearty laughs.

What’s more amazing than the fact that these are real books currently for sale is that some are selling well and garnering many positive 5 star reviews.

Go figure….

Enjoy a laugh or two or 43!



Anything with dating and dollar in the title is um, well, need I say more…women worth dating don’t like cheap dates.

Book cover of



Is there that much of a demand for pierogi makers that there are “top-paying” positions?

 “How to Land a Top-Paying Pierogi Makers Job” book cover


3. Teach Your Wife to Be a Widow by Donald I. Rogers

This one must be from the 1950s. And why does this husband need to teach his wife how to be a widow? Is he planning to kill his wife?

Teach Your Wife to Be a Widow by Donald I. Rogers

Cause everyone is just itchin’ to cook with radiation!


Yeah, and I have some ocean front property in Arizona…

“Anybody Can Be Cool-- But Awesome Takes Practice”, devotionals for teens.


6. A Practical Guide to Racism by C.H. Dalton

Wow, didn’t know you needed a practical guide on this subject. But seriously, this one is a parody book.​

A Practical Guide to Racism, a bestselling book from C.H. Dalton

While my book title isn’t quite as gross or inappropriate as some of the others on the list, the title is meant to shock and grab the attention of readers, since there are so many leadership books to choose from these days. In Volume 1,” I lay out the fundamentals of servant leadership, how to put theory into practice, and how to make leadership fun again. (I had to include my book!)

Volume 1 of my book, “Why Leadership Sucks”

8. Extreme Ironing by Phil Shaw

This one looks fun UNTIL someone gets hurt, and by hurt, I mean, someone dies.

Book cover of Phil Shaw’s “Extreme Ironing”

I guess we need to rescue shopping carts now, it’s not just dogs and cats anymore.

Julian Montague’s “The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America”

I had no idea that this was a problem, and the author assures us that it will happen. So prepare now!

How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack by Chuck Sambuchino

How do they know how Jesus danced? To what music is he so inclined as to “cut a rug”? I am ashamed that this is a legitimate book making money off unsuspecting people.

Cover of “Dancing with Jesus” written by Sam Stall

12. The Manly Art of Knitting by David Fougner

If you have to add the adjective “manly” in front of any activity, it just ain’t genuinely “manly”.

David Fougner’s “The Manly Art of Knitting”

13. Self Help for the Bleak by Rich Hall

Here’s to cheering up those who see the world through bleak-colored sunglasses.

Book cover of “Self Help for the Bleak”

14. How To Survive a Robot Uprising by Daniel H. Wilson

I suppose robot uprisings could happen any day now…

How To Survive a Robot Uprising, authored by Daniel H. Wilson

15. How to Be Pope by Piers Marchant

I think most of us, at one time or another, wanted to be Pope. That would be sweet!

Piers Marchant’s “How to Be Pope”

Gals, you can now use the urinal that you have secretly been yearning for.

 Cover of Anna Skinner’s “How to Pee Standing Up”

17. The Zen of Farting by Reepah Gud Wan

Notice that there is a guy on the cover, not a gal…

“The Zen of Farting” by Reepah Gud Wan book cover

Are asian men the only ones who have problems dating white women?

Adam Quan’s “How to Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men”

Cause I want to bury myself!

Dale Power’s “Do It Yourself Coffins for Pets and People”

Don’t let your boss catch you reading this in the breakroom…BUSTED!

Cover of Norman Feuti’s “Pretending You Care”

21. Do-It-Yourself Brain Surgery by Joel Rickett

Rock on! I can’t wait to give myself a lobotomy.


Maybe this is reverse psychology at its finest.

 “You Are Worthless” by a best-selling author, Scott Dikkers

23. Reusing Old Graves by Douglas Davies

Cause I want to be on top of grandma…are we that hard up for money?

 Reusing Old Graves by Douglas Davies

24. Bombproof Your Horse by Rick Pelicano

I didn’t know that my horse needed to withstand the blast of a bomb.

Rick Pelicano’s “Bombproof Your Horse”

25. Nuclear War: What’s In It For You? by Inc. Ground Zero Fund

​That depends on whether your nuclear bombs fire first!

Cover of “Nuclear War: What's In It For You?”

Um, there are no advantages, only disadvantages…

Minimalist book cover of “Castration: The Advantages and the Disadvantages”

Robbing banks is not the best way to make money in your spare time, at least legally.


Now, this one is right up my alley. I like burning inanimate objects!

William Gurstelle’s “The Practical Pyromaniac”

There is more than one way to sharpen a pencil? I had NO idea…

Cover of David Rees’ “How to Sharpen Pencils”

30. How to Avoid Huge Ships by John W. Trimmer

Shouldn’t the subtitle be “Just Stay Out of Their Way Because They Are so Frickin’ Obvious”?

How to Avoid Huge Ships, a book by John W. Trimmer

Running from a crime or a big amount of debt?

This book is all you need to get away from everything and start a new life with a new identity. Just be prepared to sacrifice everything from your past.

Doug Richmond’s “How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found”

In, “Why Leadership Sucks: Volume 2,” I delve further into the pain, pitfalls, and challenges of leadership and encourages perseverance with practical, action steps based on his real-world, in-the-trenches leadership experience.

Volume 2 of my book, “Why Leadership Sucks”

33. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog by Chad Orzel

You’ll surely regret why you didn’t name your dog after Albert Einstein after using this book.

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog by Chad Orzel

34. Cooking With Poo by Khun Poo

Don’t let your mind deceive you.

The “Poo” in the title refers to the author and with every purchase of her cookbook, you don’t only get to know yummy Thai recipes made by Poo, but you also help the poor families in Khlong Toei, Thailand.

A cookbook by Khun Poo entitled “Cooking with Poo”

Dive into a world of time travel and join Charles Yu’s adventure as he tries to find his father through quantum space-time.

Book cover of Charles Yu’s “How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe”

If the government doesn’t want to pay attention to gun safety and other national issues, maybe your cat would.

Zachary Auburn’s “How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety”

37. All My Friends Are Dead by Avery Monsen and Jory John

Just because it looks like a children’s book doesn’t mean it’s for kids. Laugh your heart out with this humorous book that illustrates the disadvantages of being everything from being a sock to a dinosaur to a snowman.

All My Friends Are Dead, a book by Avery Monsen and Jory John

Who never wished their pet could talk? Hear your pets speak as you read hilarious and heartwarming dog letters and suggestions from this book!

A cute bulldog on the cover of “Sorry I Pooped in Your Shoe”

Beware, this book can make your cat go bald.

Kaori Tsutaya’s “Crafting with Cat Hair”

40. Strangers Have The Best Candy by Margaret Meps Schulte

“Don’t talk to strangers,” I bet that’s one of the advice you heard a lot from your parents when you were a kid. But in this book, Meps talks about the advantages of talking to strangers and why you should start talking to them, too!

But in all seriousness, having a little cautiousness is a good thing.

Cover the book, Strangers Have The Best Candy

Up for a challenge?

Enjoy a complex, yet fulfilling crocheting venture from now on. I guess you can call yourself a Geometrist after mastering this book.

How can people call it a failure if it makes you the smartest person in class? Or should we say, the funniest? Check out how a “fail” turns into “fun” with the 250 hilarious wrong test answers inside this book.

Richard Benson’s “F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers”

43. People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead by Gary Leon Hill

What happens after we die? Well, only the dead can know but how can they find out if they’re not even aware that they’re dead? I guess we’ll never know.

People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead, a book by Gary Leon Hill

Read any of these 43 weird books at your own risk of dying of laughter. ?
But one thing’s for sure; these books were created not just to educate but also to entertain us.
Please leave your comments below as to which book titles you enjoyed most and which ones I should consider adding to the list.
Now, go be weird…we all are weird in some way (as Seth Godin said), right?

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Hi, I’m Miles Anthony Smith, founder of Why Stuff Sucks™, a lead generation/nurturing focused digital marketing agency.

I live for the business results we get for our clients, and love coaching others to level up their digital marketing and leadership skills. Cheers!